Your Site Is Your Internet Store

By Mark Byers

Consequently Your Web Pages Are Your Products...

Make each page of content worthy of your business.

The great majority of your website's pages are important because every page of your website has a chance to be indexed by the search engines. This means Google in the UK, as it has roughly a 90% hold on search activity. In the States it's 61%. You'll maximise the chance of a page being indexed if you can prove to Google that you have put some thought and rigour into your page content. What this actually means is producing a page that's providing lots of unique and engaging content. If a page on your site is not indexed, you have been unable to impress Google sufficiently for it to consider your page worthy of being included in their index. Essentially, they do not think its up to scratch enough to be seen by their users.

Learn From Your Competitors

You can learn a lot about what might be deficient with your website page by having a quick look at your competitor's sites. The general standard of the pages that you visit will tell you about the standards you will need to attain and exceed, if your budget and time permits.

Your Message

A succinct message delivered adequately is incomparably better than a poor message delivered well! Looking at your competition will assist you in determining how well you will need to deliver your message. Make sure you are clear on what you are going to be saying and what you'll be asking your visitors to do. Think carefully about what words, pictures and even video would make a visitor purchase from you rather than one of your competition. When you are clear about your message only then are you able to develop the content.

Your Page Is Your Display Product

Even if you're a services business you still need to treat every page of your web site as if you're going to put it on on show for potential customers to look at. If the product you place on show looks uncared for no one will buy it. If the product doesn't give enough detail it's the same.

The Factors That Matter To Google

There aren't any mysteries to what Google pays attention to and uses. If you pay no heed to these elements the prospects of your page being indexed are virtually nil. If your page is not indexed it'll NEVER be served up on a search engine results page (SERP). The list below contains all the on-page SEO elements that make up a web page. Some are not seen by the human eye but they're inspected by the search engine crawlers and therefore are critical.

- Page Title
- Meta Description
- H1 Tag
- Image file names & attributes
- Word count

URL - The Address Of Your Web Page

It is useful if the URL contains words that mean something. If it does it'll mean something to a search engine crawler. This is a helpful page address '' as it gives an idea about what the topic of the destination page is about. '' is not helpful yet it is the same page address as the one above, however it is the raw page address. If you are responsible for your page addressing you need to make sure the address makes sense to a human being and that it directly reflects what a human being and a crawler will find when they visit the page.

Page Title - Times Have Changed

Just like the URL the Page Title is crucial and it is most definitely an element that influences how highly a page can rank. The Page Title appears in the tab of your browser. What you need to incorporate in your page title are words you need that page to be known for but at the very same time you do not want to use the same sequence of words on multiple pages. It is important you avoid duplicate page titles. Google excludes pages from its index if it feels multiple pages of a web site are too similar.

H1 Tag - Regard It As Heading 1

H1 implies to a search engine the main title of the content they're crawling. To the human visitor it's the main heading. It should provide the reader of the page a clear notion of what the content of the page is all about.

Meta Description - Your Advert

This is unquestionably one of the most disregarded elements and yet it's one of the most significant. It's what Google will serve up if it thinks your content is worthy of appearing in search results. It must be written with a call to action. If you don't write a Meta Description Google will choose for you what it will show and this is usually not a good thing.

Image File Names And Attributes

Search engines can't interpret what an image is about, they only know that there is an image in place. The file name you give to an image helps a search engine figure out what the image is about. On top of this the search engines inspect the alt tag and the title tag fields that can be associated with pictures. These fields give further chances to tell a search engine what they ought to index a page for.

Word Count - Less Is Not More

It's a fine balance between having too many words and having too few. People are often put off by having to read too much , however , they'll leave your page if they not able to find enough information. What's clear is that Google doesn't like pages that are text deficient. It is vitally important to organise the words in a way that keeps the reader engaged and satisfies Google regarding word count.

Conclusion - Make It Good, Make It Count

In summary, as a web site owner you should regard your site pages like you would products you are placing on show. If your products look unattractive you can not expect people to show interest in them. The same is true for the search engines.

If you'd like your website pages to be indexed you have to ensure you give the search engines with what they are looking for from content. If you would like your website pages to be respected by visitors you have got to make sure they can see that you have put some effort into producing quality content.

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