Living The Joys Of Being One Of The Empty Nesters

By Robert King

A parent's main goal is to raise their children to one day leave home and become responsible, productive citizens. They go through many things, some right and some wrong, to achieve that goal. But, ultimately, when that happens, many parents dread the time. They do not relish becoming empty nesters. This just means their home is empty of children. Though is should be a happy time, it is not always that way.

Parents can take pride in a child who is responsible and getting out on their own, to start their lives with the skills they have learned from their parents. Instead of being proud of the skills their children have learned, though, they are often sad to see their child leave. They need to understand that their child is going to benefit from what they have taught them.

If you are feeling this deep sadness, it is best to admit that instead of pretending all is well. You can be happy for your child and still feel a sadness and loneliness. Admit it and understand that it is normal. If the sadness becomes too bad, however, you may need to seek professional help for a period of time until the feeling passes.

One key to coping with the sadness is to think about things you enjoyed before you had children. Many of these have been forgotten about in the effort of raising your family. If they are still of interest to you, go back and enjoy them again. Or, at least find something that will be enjoyable to you.

Finding a new hobby or something that will keep you occupied, something that you were not able to do when you had kids, maybe even something a little bit crazy but interesting. It may be you wanted to skydive, or zip line. Do it now that you have less obligations, and no small child to be responsible for.

Now is the perfect time to get busy on your career, doing things you could not do when you had kids. You can travel, or got to school, or whatever it takes to make you career a priority. You can even start a new career if you desire to do so. You have less family responsibility and can now focus on a new career.

Now is a great time to travel, either across country or internationally. You can even buy an RV and travel across the country, with no time restraints or career obligations if you are retired. Be sure to take identification of your age and retirement status. Many places offer special discounts and programs for those who are older and retired. You have no limits to what you can do now.

Downsizing is not a possibility for you, since you have no children living at home anymore. You can live in a beach house or condo, either in a luxurious one or a small one that is cheaper to save expenses. If you want to live on the beach, or in the mountains, you are free to do so. You no longer need as large a house, so can go for a smaller one that is more luxurious, maybe something you have always wanted.

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