You will encounter many so-called experts when you're doing research on traffic-generating techniques like article marketing, but do not be fooled by the brand of info they're trying to sell you. Most of these gurus' expertise comes via the ability to sell you on the lie that they're experts at all. Find out the truth about article marketing in the text below.
There are many article marketing submission sites, but when starting out stay with just one site. This will give you a chance to become familiar with the website and how it works. Submit two or three articles per week for a couple of weeks before adding on another submission site.
To write compelling articles, you have to know compelling writing techniques. A successful copywriter uses interesting or amusing stories to engage his readers. He writes vibrant descriptions that stimulate all of the senses. He tells his prospective buyers exactly how his product is going to benefit them, and he does so using powerful words that deliver an impact, a conversational tone and, above all, honesty.
Be sure that the writing that you are publishing is well edited. It can mean the difference between return readers and those who will never come to read the information that you have on your site. These writings are going to be seen all over the web and will have your site tied to them.
If you are going to spin your articles, use humans, not software. Article spinning software often generates ridiculous results and cause web surfers to just shrug and click away. Human spinners, on the other hand, are not only better at rewriting content to avoid search engine duplicate content penalties, they can also generate rewrites that have slightly different tones, one or more of which may drive more conversions than the others (you can find this out by A/B testing spins against each other).
Check out your competition. To ensure that you will be gaining readers, research those blogs and websites that offer similar articles to your own. Find out what they are doing, and figure out a way to do it better. Giving a reader something that they cannot anywhere else is a sure way to keep them coming back to you.
Make sure that your articles contain the information your reader is looking for. The simple act of repeating keywords with loads of filler, without including any real content that the reader wants, is going to put you on the fast track to nowhere. Your article needs to be something that people will want to read.
Stay on topic. Your article should always be relevant to whatever it is promoting. If you are writing about home improvement, there is no reason to throw in a story about your recent vacation to the Bahamas. Readers want the content to match the topic, so make sure you don't stray too far.
Of course you know that every mistake should be treated as a learning opportunity. When you are in the article marketing field, though, mistakes are even better than education. They are fresh topics for your articles. Write an article about your mistake! Teach your readers what you did wrong and what they can do right, in order to avoid your error.
When you write a product review article, decide on the product's very best feature and open your article with it. Include it in the article title if you can. The earlier you can hook your reader, the better. The reader will be more interested and curious and more receptive to learning about the product that you are reviewing.
Remember that you want to be successful when it's all said and done, so you should be more than willing to pay close attention to every tip you come across. The more you learn about article marketing as a whole, the more likely you are to ultimately succeed.
There are many article marketing submission sites, but when starting out stay with just one site. This will give you a chance to become familiar with the website and how it works. Submit two or three articles per week for a couple of weeks before adding on another submission site.
To write compelling articles, you have to know compelling writing techniques. A successful copywriter uses interesting or amusing stories to engage his readers. He writes vibrant descriptions that stimulate all of the senses. He tells his prospective buyers exactly how his product is going to benefit them, and he does so using powerful words that deliver an impact, a conversational tone and, above all, honesty.
Be sure that the writing that you are publishing is well edited. It can mean the difference between return readers and those who will never come to read the information that you have on your site. These writings are going to be seen all over the web and will have your site tied to them.
If you are going to spin your articles, use humans, not software. Article spinning software often generates ridiculous results and cause web surfers to just shrug and click away. Human spinners, on the other hand, are not only better at rewriting content to avoid search engine duplicate content penalties, they can also generate rewrites that have slightly different tones, one or more of which may drive more conversions than the others (you can find this out by A/B testing spins against each other).
Check out your competition. To ensure that you will be gaining readers, research those blogs and websites that offer similar articles to your own. Find out what they are doing, and figure out a way to do it better. Giving a reader something that they cannot anywhere else is a sure way to keep them coming back to you.
Make sure that your articles contain the information your reader is looking for. The simple act of repeating keywords with loads of filler, without including any real content that the reader wants, is going to put you on the fast track to nowhere. Your article needs to be something that people will want to read.
Stay on topic. Your article should always be relevant to whatever it is promoting. If you are writing about home improvement, there is no reason to throw in a story about your recent vacation to the Bahamas. Readers want the content to match the topic, so make sure you don't stray too far.
Of course you know that every mistake should be treated as a learning opportunity. When you are in the article marketing field, though, mistakes are even better than education. They are fresh topics for your articles. Write an article about your mistake! Teach your readers what you did wrong and what they can do right, in order to avoid your error.
When you write a product review article, decide on the product's very best feature and open your article with it. Include it in the article title if you can. The earlier you can hook your reader, the better. The reader will be more interested and curious and more receptive to learning about the product that you are reviewing.
Remember that you want to be successful when it's all said and done, so you should be more than willing to pay close attention to every tip you come across. The more you learn about article marketing as a whole, the more likely you are to ultimately succeed.
About the Author:
Visit Robert Strong's site to see more about this subject article marketing warrior forum and grab his course.