Set Up For A Social Wifi Hotspot Solution From Connectsim

By Johnny Ruhaul

Hi everyone this will hopefully be a quick overview or a quick posting on just a general guideline or quick instructions on how to configure or set up your social WiFi hardware or wireless router.

It has been a great success over the year for our company and I do hope for yours as well by capturing all of those new social media customers. When we first spun off from our corporate print/branding company we didn't think many of our customers would select our gold & platinum packages but you guys did and I want to thank each and everyone again. For those of you who aren't familiar with our gold & platinum social WiFi & corporate branding packages these packages include a combination of full corporate brand design, corporate print marketing material, digital market/search engine optimization or search engine marketing and of course our popular social WiFi package.

Please ensure you document the following; IP address of your device & gateway, DNS server address Radius connection, Cloud connection,VPN connection

If your DNS shows red you will not get a successful connection to our social media cloud services. If all status icons are showing green your configuration is confirmed and just connect your cable modem or broadband modem to port 4 and any other internal network resources to any other port. One other important point I wanted to cover which about 30 of our customers have asked this week is the following; how do I know if I have enough wireless coverage for my restaurant or retail environment? This is just a general answer but I always first recommend to all of our customer to have a wireless site survey for your social wifi hardware setup.

If your wondering which package they select its usually the standard starter package with the added upgrade content filtering. The next most popular social WiFi hardware is the Meraki MR series enterprise cloud sensor or access point. This by far the most popular option as Meraki's features and cloud based solution is amazing. Cisco offers a very high % of uptime so you'll rarely every see their data line or connection fail. We still support other hardware such as Netgear, Dlink, Ruckus, Cisco and many more hardware sensor or Aps for your social WiFi solution.

After you have performed the following the next think you need to do is access the web interface. Please remember that after one of our hotspot hardware routers have been flashed or upgrade you can no longer access the original manufacturers web ui. This is extremely important that if you are performing your own device configuration to make sure you download the correct firmware from our website or getting it from one of our technical support staff. Once access the web interface just go through the instruction on the booklet and follow the instructions to set up your social internal wifi network by enable DHCP and have your customers connect to your SSID. Please remember that your encryption should be open. Simple ping tools should be your first tool for troubleshooting and obviously make sure you have enough coverage in your environment. Best practices are to always have 2 sensors or access points as a fail over or redundant sensor for your social wifi hardware set up. Channel spacing is very important and at times more access points is not always the solution as too many wifi social hardware devices in one area can create sticky RF clients or cross channel interference. To continue please read our next blog

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