What One Should Know About Catholicism In Tennessee

By Patrick Mitchell

Catholicism has made the world a better place. Catholic missionaries have taken the gospel to all the four corners of the world. According to the Bible, when the gospel reaches far and wide, the end will be near. Presently, almost every country has Christians. That is one of the signs of end times. Catholics have done more than spreading the gospel. They have built orphanages, schools, hospitals, and universities. Some of the best academic institutions in the world are operated by Catholics. Catholicism in Tennessee has done a lot for the local society.

In the Catholic Church, there are structures. There is a hierarchy. Catholic Church is one of the most orderly churches in the world. The structure of the diocese is of utmost importance. This covers a defined geographical area. The Diocese of Memphis covers the city of Memphis and the areas around it. The biggest cities in the United States of America have a Catholic Diocese.

The diocese is an important part of Catholicism. It is through the diocese that the church can reach the grassroots. As it is commonly said in Catholic circles, the grassroots matter. The church has to reach the ordinary people on the ground. The head of the diocese is a bishop. He oversees the various administrative and spiritual activities within his diocese.

A bishop will oversee the various churches that are found in his diocese. Each church will have a resident priest. However, the bishop can carry out mass in any church, at any time, with the help of resident priest. Actually, priesthood is a calling. It is one of the best callings that an individual can have in America.

Even the pope was one day a priest. As far as church hierarchy is concerned, it starts with priesthood. After that, a person will become a bishop. A bishop can end up becoming an archbishop. At the position of archbishop, one will be one step away from papacy. The pope is the most senior member of the Catholic clergy.

The pope has many duties. He always comments on doctrinal issues. Most past popes have written books about the various issues of the faith. The pope frequently tours the world preaching the good messages of peace. The Catholic Church is on the forefront when it comes to promoting peace all over the world. Believers need to be peace makers.

The issue that matters the most in Catholicism is the supreme belief on the Bible. The foundation of Catholic Church and Christianity in general is the Holy Bible. Christians from all walks of life are required to abide to the Bible. It is through Scripture that a Christian will find hope for the present and future life. The Bible is 100% supreme, true, and holy.

In America, there is Catholicism. On the other hand, there is Protestantism. These are the two major Christian denominations. These two faiths have some differences. However, they have a good deal of similarities. The various denominations do not conflict each other. Actually, they complement each other. America is a Christian nation. However, there is freedom of religion in the United States.

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