3 Reasons Long Island SEO Experts Recommend Voice Search

By Paula Hess

There are other ways to find what you need online than simply typing in a word and hitting "enter." One of the most recent developments that Long Island SEO experts have observed is voice search. The idea of speaking into your phone and finding what you need online is a novel concept, and one that more and more people are taking advantage of. If you're involved in SEO and haven't focused on voice search enough, here are 3 reasons to do so now.

When it comes to the perks of voice search, the fact that it's instantaneous should be noted by reputable names in marketing like www.fishbat.com. If you simply wish to look up information, whether it's for a project you're working on, a potential purchase, or what have you, voice search makes it a breeze. You'll find what you need with minimal effort. This may seem like a simple benefit on the surface, but the sheer distance it goes can't be understated.

Another reason why voice search is recommended is that it tends to use different terms and phrases than traditional search. Ask yourself this question: how often do you use "why" or "how" when searching for something online? Perhaps you'll do this more with voice search, which seems to focus more on phrases that people use from day to day. In turn, this can make one's SEO strategy more diverse, accounting for a greater number of scenarios.

For those that aren't completely sold on voice search, keep in mind that roughly 20 percent of all searches performed on Google fall into this category. This should come as no surprise given the fact that many people have gotten on board with hands-free technology. Voice search falls into this category, without question, and it's likely to only continue developing. As it does so, more people will be inclined to use it.

These are just a few reasons why Long Island SEO experts recommend voice search. If you want your business to rank as best as it possibly can, it's imperative that you stay on top of trends. The ones associated with search engine optimization will change over time, which means that it's all the more important to be on your toes. By staying vigilant, in this regard, you'll be able to achieve greater visibility across a slew of search engines.

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